Med Bluerange Bphast 10 förenklar och förbättrar vi IT-underhåll radikalt. Resultatet är en stabilare IT-miljö med högre skydd mot intrång, vilket leder till färre kostsamma driftstopp.
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Blurange Bphast 10 baseras på den väl beprövade övervaknings- och manageringsplattformen N-Central 10 som används av 1 000-tals IT-leverantörer som övervakar och underhåller 100 000-tals enheter över hela världen. Läs mer nedan…
New Features and Functionality
Available globally, N-central 10 provides MSPs with advanced monitoring, management and remediation for both network operations center (NOC) and help desk services that span the MSP services lifecycle. Here is a list of the many new features and functions included in this next-generation platform:
- New support tools offering a unique ensemble of capabilities for MSPs to troubleshoot, diagnose and remediate help desk issues.
- Support for drag-and-drop automation as well as support for real-time direct support tools as a-la-carte licenses, allowing MSPs to improve support and help desk functions to end-users.
- An entirely new user interface that delivers a more streamlined and simplified user experience.
- A new “device overview” page provides detailed information for each client device in a single dashboard to manage tickets and quickly troubleshoot and resolve issues without interrupting end-users.
- Industry-leading integrations with the top professional services automation (PSA) offerings, including Autotask® and ConnectWise®. These integrations offer improved workflows and interoperability to help MSPs resolve client issues faster, update and close tickets and manage billing directly from within the RMM platform.
- Further enhancements and support for the NOC and the help desk, offering automated device discovery, AV/patch deployment, backup, remediation/self-healing and advanced reporting.